Monday, March 28, 2011

Back to the blog!

So it appears that I have not written in years and it feels good to finally write a little bit in my blog about the "everythingness"(my new word) in my life. It is OFFICIAL I only have 6 weeks left of this thing we like to call school and then I will be walking down a row to grab my diploma and sigh a deep sigh of relief that I was able to get an education. I am super excited 1) that I get to graduate and celebrate with my amazing boyfriend Lloyd who will also be graduating.  2) that my grandpa will be able to see me graduate for the second time and 3) that I get to broaden my horizons alittle and explore the world that the Amazing Lord has created for us. 


I need to escape out from the boundaries of New Mexico and Colorado and just feel what else is out there.  I'm hoping my volleyball can take me one step further than a college degree and experience and into the realm of PRO volleyball.  Nervous... yes... Scared... yes... Excited... yes... Ready... NO! There is definitely an unknown of who where when why what and how soooo me being the planner that I am is certainly freaking out.. My Dream: that south africa calls tells me they want to pay me to go pay for them in their amazing volleyball league(not sure if they even have that opportunity) and go play there.. Plan B... anyone who will take me!! So if professional volleyball teams are reading this... choose me!

Well here's my little excerpt for the day! i'll be enjoying my day of sunshine and battling senioritis in the mean time! But I love what God has done for me in my life and the opportunities he keeps blessing me with.  Thank you...


Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Usually the ideals of spring break involve a nice bathing suit, sitting by the pool, and soaking in way to many rays of sun that is probably not healthy for a person, but my Spring Break includes the simplicity of going home and relaxing in freezing colorado!  But I am overjoyed by this fact because I have not seen my family since January and the stress of school, coaching, volleyball, and life are just  getting to the overwhelming part and a break is certainly in need!

I can't wait to see you family!

Love love love +