Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Beginning

Summer... I live for the moments of summer. The carefree nights of doing whatever you want to do, the moments of pure serenity when you sit on the porch and enjoy the starry nights, it just brings an inner peace and appreciation for what God has created. My life has been a traveling circus of lately. My trip to Brazil, to expand on my volleyball career, was more than I could have ever imagined. Then on top of it all instantly going from that to an extreme family vacation, mom, dad, sister, and brother in law all cramed in an amazing mini van traveling across the continental U.S. It left no time for quiet or alone time, but some great bonding time with the fam.

Now being back in my small college house I am left all alone and pondering in every which way. Love, Life, School, volleyball, family, purpose, Why?, goals, etc. My mom discovered a verse for me that sums up my needs though. Psalm 18:29, the last part of the verse, "With your help I can advance against a troop, with my God I can scale a wall." It took me by surprise to see such a small task as scaling over a wall that God can control the very fabrics of how your achieve that. So even when my thoughts are weighing me down... God, My God, can help me scale a wall.
Goodnight for now and may all your walls be leaped over with ease.

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