Friday, February 11, 2011

Wild Heart

"who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?"- Esther 4:14

Not everything in life is simple and perfectly clear.  How many times have I begged for a sign only to realize that the quiet whisper of God was waiting for me to hear.

This week has been hard.  I have pondered myself as it pertains to if  I am who God wants me to be, the situations I am in if they are his plans, and if I am doing everything towards the glory of Him.  Like I've said before I want answers and I want plans.  I hate the unknown and the feeling of complacency.

I want true joy out of life.  Not the happiness that comes with new things or your favorite song, but the true joy God intended us to live through and have.

I have a wild heart.  I always have and probably always will.  I am searching and wanting to be pursued and am always chasing towards life, my future, and anything to grasp for significance.  I have moments of containment, but in that I only find myself ready for more. 

I heard a statement on the radio of how that in the time when we are pursuing relationships that we have to remember that our relationship with God is not beyond that concept.  We have to pursue, to exceed for him what we would do in a normal relationship.  Even though you can't cook God a meal or send him roses, we can write him love notes and praise Him for the great things he has done.  Show him that the greatest love to be pursued is within him.

So like the Book of Esther describes how, she had come to a royal position for such as time as this, I am praying and pursuing to grasp my royal position and live a life that worthy
.... to be a daughter of a king.

Fairy Tales do come true, but only when you know who the True King is.  

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